AnAge Database

Found 1352 results. Showing results 641 to 660.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02573Ctenomys talarumTalas tuco-tuco, or Tuco-tucoNot yet established02573
02584Myoprocta acouchyRed acouchi14.802584
02592Napaeozapus insignisWoodland jumping mouseNot yet established02592
02601Proechimys semispinosusTome's spiny rat, or Spiny rat5.802601
02608Geomys bursariusPlains pocket gopher1202608
02626Dipodomys heermanniHeermann's kangaroo rat8.302626
02629Dipodomys ordiiOrd's kangaroo rat9.902629
02636Perognathus longimembrisLittle pocket mouse8.302636
02672Gerbillus pyramidumGreater Egyptian gerbil8.202672
02702Otomys irroratusVlei ratNot yet established02702
02716Rattus lutreolusAustralian swamp rat4.402716
02737Mystromys albicaudatusWhite-tailed mouse6.302737
02813Tamias minimusLeast chipmunk1002813
02831Tachyoryctes splendensEast African mole ratNot yet established02831
02839Dugong dugonDugong7302839
02840Trichechus inunguisAmazonian manatee4002840
02853Neomys fodiensEurasian water shrew3.102853
02861Sorex minutusEurasian pygmy shrewNot yet established02861
01545Microgale dobsoniDobson's shrew tenrec5.601545
01705Moschus moschiferusSiberian musk deerNot yet established01705