AnAge Database

Found 9 results. Showing results 1 to 9.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
03241Bothrops asperTerciopelo, or Fer-de-lance20.403241
03239Bothriechis schlegeliiEyelash palm pit viper19.503239
03242Bothrops atroxCommon lancehead8.503242
03240Bothrops alternatusUrutu15.203240
03246Bothrops neuwiediYara15.103246
03231Atropoides nummiferJumping pit viper1903231
03244Bothrops jararacaJararacaNot yet established03244
03245Bothrops lanceolatusMartinique lancehead1303245
03243Bothrops caribbaeusSaint Lucia lancehead14.403243