AnAge Database

Found 14 results. Showing results 1 to 14.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02978Elaphe guttataCorn snake32.302978
02981Elaphe obsoletaBlack rat snake33.902981
02986Elaphe vulpinaEastern fox snake1702986
02979Elaphe helenaTrinket snake1502979
02985Elaphe taeniuraTaipan beauty snake11.602985
02958Bogertophis subocularisTrans-pecos rat snake23.802958
02976Elaphe climacophoraJapanese rat snake13.102976
03022Senticolis triaspisGreen rat snake19.803022
02975Elaphe bairdiBaird's rat snake16.302975
02977Elaphe flavirufaYellow-red/tropical rat snake16.302977
02980Elaphe moellendorffiRed-headed rat snake21.102980
02983Elaphe schrenckiiRussian ratsnake13.702983
02984Elaphe situlaEuropean leopard snake2302984
02982Elaphe quadrivirgataJapanese four-lined rat snake16.802982