AnAge Database

Found 9 results. Showing results 1 to 9.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
00149Plethodon cinereusEastern red-backed salamander2500149
00152Plethodon glutinosusNorthern slimy salamander20.100152
00150Plethodon dunniDunn's salamander1100150
00151Plethodon elongatusDel Norte salamander13.300151
00154Plethodon vehiculumWestern red-backed salamander11.100154
00132Aneides aeneusGreen salamanderNot yet established00132
00153Plethodon jordaniRed-cheeked salamander19.800153
00140Ensatina eschscholtziiEnsatinaNot yet established00140
00155Plethodon yonahlosseeYonahlossee salamanderNot yet established00155